Gathering for Service

Legacy Ministry

HBC members who can no longer attend in-person services will be ministered to on a consistent basis. This will include outreach through phone calls, visits, writing cards and other activities. Those who participate in this ministry will “adopt” 2-3 members who are homebound. Team members in this ministry will also plan and participate in broader, targeted activities like the Christmas Kindness event which includes the delivery of poinsettias.

Encouraging and Supporting HBC Women in Full-Time Ministry

The work of ministry is 24/7, and ministers and their families give tirelessly without much respite. This will be an encouragement and prayer ministry for HBC women in ministry. The team leader will coordinate by having 1-2 women “adopt” a lady on our staff or a staff wife and stay in touch for prayer needs, send birthday and/or anniversary cards and other ways to encourage and appreciate them; meet for coffee or a meal and generally support them in their ministries.

Baptist Campus Ministries @ UNA 

College students in this new stage of life need encouragement as well as spiritual and physical food to stay engaged in their walk with Christ. What a perfect way to reach in the community and show our love to these students to create relationships and build bridges. Team members will coordinate and serve a meal to UNA Baptist Campus Ministry college students in November.

Shoals Sav-a-Life

February event; Mommy and Dolly Market - moms bring their daughters, who receive a dolly and the goal is to educate the girls on God’s love for us all - how beautifully different we are and how precious each life is. They will need volunteers to help make the dolls and also help at the event. 

Newsletter assistance/processing for mailing. Every other month in the office volunteers will be utilized to help fold, label and process the SSAL newsletters for mailing to donors and constituents. Assistance is appreciated whenever available and volunteers are not committed to helping every time. Months include September/November/January/March/May/July.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

These team members will help in building single or bunk beds and delivering them along with bedding to children in the Shoals. Shelly Hollis is the ministry coordinator for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. It’s a great way to incorporate family into Christian service in the community! The next service opportunity with this group will be September 10 at Bunks Across America hosted at Lowe’s in Florence from 9am-12pm. Register to volunteer at this event HERE.