“Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord , all the earth!
Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.”
—Psalm 96:1-2
The Ministry of Praise exists to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ by equipping the church to lead one another in authentic expressions of worship through the creative arts. Worship is not about putting on a show or production but about offering our lives to God personally and corporately through the declaration of the gospel in word and deed. Our desire is for Christians to use their God-given gifts and talents to lead others to worship the one true God.
If you have any questions about the Ministry of Praise please contact Cyndi Rogers in the music office.
Choir & Orchestra
Do you sing or play an instrument? Consider joining the choir and orchestra! The choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 7:15-8:15 PM in the choir room (Room 215). The orchestra rehearses on Wednesday nights from 7:15-8:15 PM in the worship center. Childcare is available at all rehearsals for children: babies thru 6th grade. Begin the process by filling out this application.
Members use several online tools to rehearse and connect throughout the week.
Kids CHoir
The HBC Kids Choir meets on Sunday nights during the Fall semester (August-December) each year. The choir is geared for children 1st-6th grades. Be watching for future opportunities to use your talents for the Lord with us. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Children's Choir Director, Elaine Price, or contact the music office at Highland Baptist Church 256-764-1392.