The Gathering 

Women’s Ministry of Highland Baptist Church 

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:23-25

Gathering for Bible Study

Gathering for Service to our church family & our community.

Gathering for Discipleship as we connect with, encourage, and learn from one another.

Highland Baptist Church is committed to making multiplying disciples, and The Gathering participates in this mission by offering opportunities for women to grow in their faith together. We are not meant to follow Jesus in isolation. We need other women with whom we can share life and experiences. This ministry will enable women to connect with one another, encourage one another, and learn from one another. To that end, we want to offer three options for discipleship: One-to-one mentoring, Bible reading gatherings, and Wisdom for Life panel discussions.  

Wisdom for Life Gatherings - Informal panel discussion in the home of a Highland member. Each discussion will focus on a different topic (having a devotional life, incorporating rest, hospitality, leaving a spiritual legacy for our children, etc). Please feel free to offer suggestions for topics that would be of interest to you. Panels will be comprised of women from our church who have walked the road ahead of us and are willing to share the lessons they have learned along the way. These meetings will occur quarterly. 

Gather at the Table

Gather at the Table: Gather at the Table is an opportunity for Highland women to connect with one another and cultivate deep friendships. Once a month, groups composed of six women will meet around a table for fellowship and meaningful conversation. These gatherings can range from simply meeting for coffee (and probably dessert) to sharing a meal. They can take place in a restaurant, at the church, or in someone’s home. The details will be up to each group leader in cooperation with the other members of the group. The primary focus is to create space to cultivate deep relationships that will encourage us and honor the Lord. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the daily grace of Christian friendship.